About traffic accident

Image of traffic accident

After an accident, early treatment is important even for minor injuries

Injuries caused by traffic accidents include whiplash and neck pain, as well as skeletal distortion, which may cause neurological symptoms such as numbness and nausea in the limbs.
Severe symptoms may occur within a few days to a few months if left unchecked in the hospital for a normal bruise or due to a slight bruise or bruise. Many people suffer from chronic fatigue and tiredness, headaches, nausea, and insomnia after an accident, even if they do not have significant visible trauma.

If you are worried about the symptoms caused by an accident, please feel free to contact us.

In addition, our hospital has a tie-up with a specialized lawyer, so it is possible to discuss compensation and settlement details. Please use if you are in trouble.

Do you have problems like this?

  • I was told by X-ray that there was nothing wrong, but there was pain
  • Arms and hands are difficult
  • I don't feel like doing anything because I have a bad headache or fatigue.
  • I want to treat whiplash firmly
  • I've had a painful treatment that squealed my bones
  • Anxiety about communication about liability insurance

Flow of application of liability insurance

step1Contact the police

最初に必ず警察に連絡しましょう。 相手の住所・連絡先・勤務先・車のナンバー・自賠責保険の加入先を確認します。相手が業務中の事故であれば雇用主も賠償責任を負うことがあります。 今後の為に、事故の状況を把握しておく事もしておきましょう。

step2See a doctor

怪我の程度や事故の大小に関わらず、必ず病院で検査を受けて診断書をもらってください。 軽い怪我でも数日後に痛みが増す場合があります。新たに違和感などの症状を感じた場合は必ず病院での検査を受けてください。

step3Contact insurance company

保険会社に当院で治療を受ける旨を申し出た上で、当院の電話番号、住所をお伝えください。 その後保険会社より自賠責保険が適応され治療が受けられます。 自賠責保険適用の交通事故は「通院費」「交通費」ともすべて無料となり、交通事故による怪我の治療を受けることができます。

step4Treatment completed, contact insurance company

症状が改善されたら、保険会社に治療が終わる旨を伝えます。 保険会社より事故の事実と解決内容が記載された示談内容書が届きますので、内容を確認し、問題がなければ同意して終わりになります。